2024 & the grand plan for my life

the following are things i will do in my lifetime, in order of time:

  1. prototype and make an untethered consumer AR device
  2. move to san francisco and continue work on AR
  3. use the money to start working on space tech
  4. get employed at a space tech company to gain experience
  5. work on space tech on my own
  6. achieve, or accelerate human’s development to kardashev scale I


i can come up with many rational reasons for why i want to achieve the aforementioned goals. i shall admit, however, that coolness is the primary motivation behind everything (in general, more people should do things purely on the basis that it is cool.)

more on AR

i think AR headsets are the obvious next step after smartphones and personal computers. in an AR device, digital objects seamlessly blend in with the users reality. rather than stealing the user’s focus away, it assists in the user’s task at hand in an unobtrusive way. a task as simple as telling the time should be an act of second-nature rather than a deliberate act of fetching the device, turn on the screen, then make out the time in the sea of other distractions presented to the user.

i think the technology to create this AR device is here, and all i have to do is piece the puzzles together. to keep to the point of the post, i shall elaborate on this topic in a separate post.

more on space tech

there is much of space that is yet to be explored and exploited. for example, asteroids contain trillions of dollars worth of minerals that are waiting for humans to be used. coupled with space manufacturing, many heavy industries and manufacturing can be offloaded from Earth, reducing their environmental impact, while reaping the benefit of zero-g manufacturing, and more freedom to expand and grow.

again, to keep it succinct, i will elaborate further in a separate post.

plan for 2024

i will build poly, a language-agnostic, cross-platform GUI framework, to a usable enough stage that i can do a alpha/beta release and collect feedbacks from developers.

in the meantime, i will do research on AR and potentially hack together a prototype that i will daily-drive. this shall be the first step towards the eventual goal of building a consumer-grade AR device.

stay tuned

follow me on x/twitter if you wish to follow along on my journey. more is in the oven.